Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, I did not go to work and I was not sick.

It's cabin weekend.

At least once each semester, some great lady friends and I take a day or two off and rent a cabin in North GA, with a hot tub of course. We don't do much of anything besides watch movies, sit in the hot tub, and relax.

This morning, I sat on a 2nd floor porch swing, read my current favorite book (Prodigal God, by Timothy Keller) and had coffee with God and He spoke to me. Don't misunderstand...He is nearly always speaking to me...but listening comes easier when surrounded by mountains I suppose.

It took a year or two before I stopped feeling guilty about this. It was that long before I realized just how much "cabin-weekend" does for longevity in my career. We all want to punch that person who says "At least you get summers off". They have no idea-I know. They have no idea that none of us could do it, mentally or physically, without that kind of break. (but that's another blog). So, shame on me if I let my personal days (3) expire at the end of the year. Shame on me if I give up a weekend with the girls for one day of class instruction. Shame on me if my teaching suffers for it the rest of the time.

If you're reading this, I hope you're encouraged. I hope you look up how much leave you have left and look up the nearest rest-spot that makes you feel alive. ( isn't bad). I challenge you to take a day off and see if your days-on aren't more productive and more fulfilling for it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Single Life

Oh please do go read this!
It made my day!