Sunday, December 14, 2008

Things I Have Learned from Beth Webb

I told you I could write a book about it ;)

Chapter 1: How to save money. If you don't know Beth, just go read her blog. She's a master at this!

Chapter 2: How to serve people. No explanation needed here.

Chapter 3: How to be a great mom. Last night, Beth explained to me that she has Peyton sit with her while they (beth) clean up. That way, when Peyton is old enough to clean up her toys it'll be a routine. Wow.

Chapter 4: The joy of nerdy board games. If you've never seen the Webb's closet-o-games, you must. They have quite the collection and are kind enough to entertain people like me who are handicapped when it comes to strategy games.

Chapter 5. The importance of honesty and forgiveness: I've come to the conclusion that there are certain levels to which no friendship, or other relationship for that matter, can go without someone needing to forgive the other. Beth is great at both sides of this equation. Infractions don't mean the end of a friendship, they often mean the beginning of a better one. Which explains a lot about why God let the whole sin thing happen.

Chapter 6: Why God makes us different. For a super-right-brainer like me, someone with the organizational skill of Beth makes me sit back in amazement. God makes us unique for a reason and the body works better when it works together :)

Chapter7: How to invest in people: "Wanna come over and play a board game?" "Wanna come over and watch lost?" "Wanna just come over?" i hear this stuff from the Webb's all the time. They're never too busy, too stressed, too into their own lives to invest in their friends Yay for that :)

Chapter 8: How to loosen up about "certainty". Washington? sure! Georgia? Why not! Florida, Alabama, ok! This chick moves a LOT. The thought of that much change makes my skin crawl, but not Beth! I've never really asked why....but I would venture to say that it's because she finds her security in Christ and not in her location (or she just likes moving a lot ha ha).

Chapter 9: Why LOST is the best show ever made. Again, no explanation needed here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks, Crystal! You are so encouraging to me.